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Relationship expert reveals 'ultra easy test' to figure out whether YOU are a narcissist

The word narcissist is thrown out a lot - but if you are concerned you have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance, there's a simple test.

According to self-proclaimed relationship expert Jimmy Knowles, there is an easy way to figure it out and it all starts with the questions an individual asks of themselves.

'You're not a narcissist if you're actually willing to ask your partner or parent or friend "hey, what's it like to be on the other side of me?"' Jimmy revealed.

'Do you feel like I respect people's boundaries? Do I consistently neglect other people's feeling or needs?' he listed.

According to self-proclaimed relationship expert Jimmy Knowles, there is an easy way to figure it out if you are a narcissist

According to self-proclaimed relationship expert Jimmy Knowles, there is an easy way to figure it out if you are a narcissist  

'You're not a narcissist if you're actually willing to ask your partner or parent or friend "hey, what's it like to be on the other side of me?"' Jimmy revealed'You're not a narcissist if you're actually willing to ask your partner or parent or friend "hey, what's it like to be on the other side of me?"' Jimmy revealed

'You're not a narcissist if you're actually willing to ask your partner or parent or friend "hey, what's it like to be on the other side of me?"' Jimmy revealed 

Jimmy, who went viral after confessing in a video last year that he cheated on his wife but they stayed together, continued: 'Do I only think about myself?'

'Because if you actually care about any of those answers you're as far from a narcissist as possible,' he said.

The content creator said people often question what it means if you're rude to your partner and say or do things that are outside the person you want to be.

'I totally understand that,' he assured viewers.

Jimmy added that '90 per cent' of the people who are asking if they are a narcissist have a partners who 'neglect and dismiss them.'

In another video, the social media star then addressed if a narcissist can change, and if a person in a relationship with a narcissist can be saved. 

'The answer to both is yes,' he revealed. 'But it all hinges on one vital element: a narcissist will never change if they don't actually see a problem with the way things are.'

'In order for change, to ever take place, they have to first actually admit that something isn't working,' he explained.

Thousands of people commented on the post, many thanking Jimmy for his wise words

Thousands of people commented on the post, many thanking Jimmy for his wise words 

Jimmy warned that change will 'never happen' if the person refuses to actually put in the time and effort.

'Intentions mean nothing,' he said.

'A narcissist can change - absolutely anyone can change,' he continued. 'The question is are they willing to put in the work of self-reflection and humility and admitting that they don't know everything and learning how to repair conflict and heal the damage that they've caused from invalidation or gaslighting or lying or selfishness?'

Jimmy explained the reason that narcissistic relationships are so 'toxic and damaging' is because one person is completely self-centered.

'You cannot have intimacy or mutual respect or emotional safety with someone who thinks that they are superior to you,' he said.

Jimmy went viral after confessing in a video last year that he cheated on his wife but they stayed together

Jimmy went viral after confessing in a video last year that he cheated on his wife but they stayed together

Unfortunately, Jimmy said the hardest part of dating a narcissist is what it takes to save the relationship - which is walking away.

'The only way to save that relationship is by showing them that you're actually willing to walk away,' he said,

'The problem with so many narcissistic relationships we can be stuck in a trauma bond and we don't even realize it we've convinced ourselves that we need to fix them or heal them with our love,' he added.

Thousands of people commented on the post, many thanking Jimmy for his wise words.

'I knew it. Thank you for the clarification. A narcissist wouldn't even get past the first three seconds of this clip and would have scrolled to the next clip rolling their eyes,' one person pointed out.

'I asked my therapist a couple of years ago if I'm a narcissist/psychopath,' another commented. 'He said exactly your words "The fact that you're asking this means you're not."'

'Honestly this is eyeopener! I have been so hard on myself, so good have this fair perspective,' gushed another. 

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